ECOC 2022 Post-Deadline Papers

Thermally Stable Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Mach-Zehnder Modulator for 140 GBd PAM4 Transmission With Sub-1 V Drive Signals
 ECOC 2022

September 2022: ECOC is the largest conference on optical communications in Europe. Only a small number of post-deadline submissions are accepted for presentation by a panel of experts, and those papers represent the latest groundbreaking technical achievements in the field of optical communications. The paper, “Thermally Stable Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Mach-Zehnder Modulator for 140 GBd PAM4 Transmission With Sub-1 V Drive Signals”, (Paper number: Th3B.2) submitted by PhD candidate at IPQ, Carsten Eschenbaum was accepted as a post-deadline paper and the results were presented at ECOC 2022.

The paper specifies how researchers at KIT demonstrated a long-term stable silicon organic hybrid (SOH) device offering an attractive path towards highly scalable ethernet transceivers with lane rates in excess of 200 Gbit/s. Together with Lightwave Logic, Inc. and SilOriX, a KIT spin-off, the first sub-1mm Mach Zehnder-type modulators with sub-1V drive voltage that rely on Lightwave Logic's advanced Perkinamine™ chromophores were demonstrated. The high-speed modulation in a compact footprint, as well as the energy efficiency of these devices was shown. The material has also proven thermal stability at 85°C for more than 1000 hours. SilOriX's SOH modulator is a 750 µm-long device featuring a VπL product below 0.5 Vmm.  The modulator permits PAM4 transmission at symbol rates (line rates) of 140 GBd (280 Gbit/s) with sub-1V drive signals.
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